Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security, making it much harder for hackers to break in, even if they have your password. Enable it for all your important accounts!

Stop Easy Access: Double Down with Multi-Factor Authentication

Beware the Phish! Learn to Spot Sneaky Online Scams

Don't click on suspicious links or attachments! Hackers use clever tricks to lure you in. Think before you click, and only download files from trusted sources.

Not all websites are created equal! The green padlock and "https" in the address bar indicate a secure connection. Avoid sites without them, as they could expose your data to eavesdroppers.

HTTPS Herald: Only Visit Sites with the Green Padlock

Ditch the "Password123": Create Strong, Unique Passwords (and Manage Them!)

Weak passwords are easy prey for hackers. Use a password manager (like- Google Passward Manager) to create and store strong, unique passwords for every account.

Regularly Update Your Devices and Software

New updates often fix security vulnerabilities. Make sure your devices and software are always on the latest version to stay ahead of hackers.

Encrypt Your Stuff: Keep Your Data Private and Protected

Encryption scrambles your data, making it unreadable to anyone who shouldn't see it. Use encrypted messaging apps, email providers, and even encrypt your device hard drives for extra protection.

Clean Up Your Digital Footprint: Reduce Your Attack Surface

The less information about you online, the harder it is for hackers to target you. Delete old unused accounts, manage your online presence, and use privacy tools to minimize your digital footprint.